Save $12 on the Zooz ZEN77 Dimmer!

Deal of the Week Alert! :hammer_and_wrench:

Get your hands on the Zooz 800LR ZEN77 Dimmer and save $12! With groundbreaking long-range technology, extend wireless coverage up to 1 mile with a Long Range-supporting hub.
No need for add-on switches—just replace one switch in your 3-way setup with our patented solution for easy installation using a standard mechanical switch.
Perfect for those tricky 4-way and 5-way setups where load and line are in separate boxes!
Plus, enjoy the multi-tap function (up to 5 taps) to activate scenes and trigger other devices. Transform your home with smarter lighting today at The Smartest House!

Darn, just missed the deal! :roll_eyes:

Recently ordered a ZEN77 to replace an older ZEN27 that isn’t as good with some LEDs re:flickering at low brightness–although it works fine for some other LED fixtures. I’ve been very happy with the ZEN77. :smile:

You could always use another, right? :wink: The earlier ZEN27 utilized Mosfet for the dimming component, while all our dimmers now run on Triac instead, so this should be a better match if you had flickering issues on the ZEN27.

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