Frequent device disconnects with ZBox Hub

I’ve got a ZBoxHub running with 26 devices (mostly a mix of dimmers and switches ZEN04/32/71/72/76/77).

I am having problems with frequent disconnects. 3 or 4 times a week multiple devices end up disconnected, and I have to log back into the UI to reconnect. While simple to do, it’s tedious. I understand the need to drop device that might actually be dead, but it seems to strict and some threshold needs to be changed so it doesn’t happen as much.

Are there any parameters I can tune to make ZBoxHub more forgiving and just stop disconnecting devices?

Other symptoms include persistent failed communications – at least half of my devices are showing something like 1-3% failures. Note that this is not due to distance at all. I have some places with 2 switches in the same gang box and one disconnects, the other does not. Also, there have been no additions or removals for months, so it’s had plenty of time to “settle”.

Am I using too many devices? Would adding another hub help, and if so, can I still get scenes that work across both of them?

I really want this to work, but right now its really frustrating that more days than not my scenes to fully work because of failures.

– Chris

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Hi Chris, there are some edge case scenarios that may cause the hub to lock up under the current Z-Wave SDK version. We have a firmware update coming up in the next couple of weeks that should address the symptoms you’ve described. The Z-Box Hub should have no problem with 26 devices on it memory wise so it’s definitely not a hardware problem.

Hi Agnes,

I’ve heard that downgrading to 5.141.59 may resolve the problem. I don’t have a backup using that version, as this equipment is relatively new and I upgraded before setting anything up.

Is it possible and advisable to downgrade without a backup? I gather I lose all of my settings, but I may be willing to do this at this point, as I’ve been battling this issue since November.

I understand the dependence on the Z-Wave SDK is out of Zooz control, but the estimate for a fix was originally February. While I’d love to see an update in a few weeks, I don’t have a lot of confidence in that date right now so I’m looking for other options to get me going.

Can the Z-Box accommodate the max number of devices per the Z-Wave Specification? I believe it is 232 devices per network. Has the Z-Box been tested with the upper border cases (i.e., 231 devices, 232 devices, and unable to add the 233rd device)?

The SDK update did happen so now we’re just waiting for a green light for release on our end. It’s a big update which is why we don’t have a firm date but it’s basically ready and we’re just finishing testing this week.

The Z-Wave chip can definitely accommodate it but the processing power on the hub itself would most likely not be able to handle a large number of devices like that. The number of devices that it can manage will depend on the structure of the network and the amount of traffic. So if these are simple switches or binary sensors, you can have a lot of them no problem but once frequently reporting devices are added, and routines pile up, then the amount of devices the hub can handle will be reduced.

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The SDK update did happen so now we’re just waiting for a green light for release on our end. It’s a big update which is why we don’t have a firm date but it’s basically ready and we’re just finishing testing this week.

That is great news, thanks Agnes. :crossed_fingers:

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Hi there!

The new Z-Box firmware is now live.

The release notes you can find here: Z-Box hub Firmware 5.154.41 Release Notes


Hi Bartek!

I installed the update a few days ago. So far no disconnects which is good, but I continue to see some long delays executing some scenes. A scene will hit a bunch of devices right away, but then freeze for maybe 30 seconds before continuing. I am seeing failed communication of 1-5% for about half of my devices. I’ll give it a few more days to see if things settle.

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Same here pretty much. My controller hasn’t locked up needing a reboot since the firmware update so that’s a big plus, but scenes still have long delays. I’ve seen a minute or more at times.

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