Updated parameter templates

When updating Zooz device firmware that includes either new parameters or new values for existing parameters, the Zbox hub generally doesn’t have an updated template to expose those new parameters. It would be useful if the firmware page for a device had links to associated parameter templates for each firmware version that changes the parameters.

As an example, the ZEN04 firmware was updated recently to add parameters 14 and 15, and also changes the values for parameters 5, 7, and 8. When I updated my ZEN04 to this latest firmware today, my template was reverted (from my custom one that had up to parameter 13) to an older template that only has up to parameter 9 and none of the new values. My Zbox hub is on the latest firmware (5.170.17).

I know I can make my own template to add the new values, but I’m sure Zooz already has the updated templates internally since they would need them for testing. It would be a big time savings if Zooz would publish those templates on the firmware page for us all. Or if they are already somewhere and I just missed them, could someone point me at them?

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This would definitely be a time savings, @zoozer! I’ve also modified existing parameter files, creating custom .json files with updated parameters and very much appreciate what you mean. :slightly_smiling_face:

As a side note, I have usually shared the updated parameter files with the Zooz/Z-Box Support team and they appreciate the input. It may also help them verify current support and, possibly, share the updated parameter files with other customers.