Zen 51 firmware 1.80 - issue with Z51's LED

Hi Zooz!

I just updated my Zen51 with f/w 1.80 – all of that went very smoothly on my Hubitat.

Everything seems to be working great except that my Z51’s LED no longer comes on with the relay.

I have triple-checked my parameter #1 setup (it’s set at 1), and even tried cycling that parameter from 1 → 0 and back again in hopes that would shake it loose, but no joy.

I suppose it’s possible that my Z51’s LED died, but it was working last night (when I happened to be doing some unrelated checks that involved monitoring that Z51’s activity).

Curious if this is something you can reproduce on 1.80? Thanks very much!

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Thanks for reaching out!

Would you be able to confirm the production firmware on the ZEN51? This is printed on the back of the device; since we haven’t had any other reports, we’d like to check the original firmware to be sure we are testing accurately.
Can you also please let us know what firmware you were on when you updated to 1.80?

Thanks Sara! This is a Z51 that I’ve had in service for years now (I bought it when they were first released, IIRC). It’s been a great performer – I’ve keep up with all the iterative firmware updates, so I made this jump to 1.80 from 1.70.

The relay itself works great on 1.80, I just found it odd that the LED no longer comes on when Param 1 = 1. This is very admittedly a 1st-world “problem” - that LED working is not any kind of showstopper for me. I was more just curious if that is something you folks (or any other fellow users) are able to reproduce it on 1.80.

As I mentioned in my OP, I happened to be utilizing that Z51 as participanting device in a new automation build last night (though no parameter changes to the Z51 itself), so I was watching its operation – the LED was working fine on 1.70 last night (on with relay on, off with relay off).

Had I not just verified its operation last night, I would not be nearly as confident that this LED issue has something to do with 1.80, but the timing seems otherwise too coincidental.

Thanks again very for your time and help!

Edit to add – other than trying to cycle Param 1 (it’s now confirmed =1 again), I didn’t make any parameter changes when I updated to 1.80, and I’m using Jeff Page’s latest Hubitat driver for the Z51 (which is what I’ve always used for this relay).

Thank you for those details!
Our technicians have pinpointed an issue with the original production run (base firmware 1.10) being updated to 1.80. They’re working on a quick update that should fix this. We’ll reach out once the fix is ready, which should be shortly!


That is fantastic news - thank you so very much!